In this part of our website you will find information and links on resources available for use in schools with Traveller children. As Lord Adonis said in 2008:
“We need to create an inclusive learning environment for all children. All cultural backgrounds should be understood and respected. Children from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities should feel safe and cherished in school and therefore parents and pupils will be proud to identify themselves.”
Children learn best when they feel safe, secure and supported as well as excited and motivated. GRT children need to see their culture reflected in their school environment. Seeing themselves and things that are familiar to them will make them feel happy and confident. The resources outlined here; particularly in the NATT+ Resources Catalogue and the companion NATT+ eShop were created for just this purpose.
N.B. For legal reasons NATT+ is not able to recommend resources however resources listed in this area have all been suggested by our colleagues in Traveller Education.
NATT+Resources Catalogue
Our online resources catalogue puts you in touch with the producers/distributers of resources so that you can obtain items. Updated as and when we receive information to do so. Consequently likely to be the most up-to-date way of checking availability and prices of items.
NATT+ and compiled and run this catalogue on behalf of Traveller Education Services and other organisations that create or distribute resources for use in order to help promote the inclusion of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in our 21st century society.
This online catalogue brings all these resources together in one place. NATT+ does not hold any stock of the items in the eShop (except for those marked as produced or distributed by NATT+). If you have any questions about any of the items in this shop you should contact the supplier of the resource.
Any Traveller Education Service or organisation which has produced culturally specific/sensitive resources for sale may advertise them on our website facility free of charge.
Members’ Resources
Items available for NATT+ members only.
National Strategies Documents
The National Strategies website had many useful documents for those working in, and those interested in, Traveller education. Sadly, their website is now closed and a lot of information lost. However, NATT+ had permission to collect the documents pertinent to our work and allow people to continue to download these document from our website. These are available to members only.
Documents and Reports
The NATT+ website hosts a variety of reports, articles and spreadsheets relevent to Teachers of Travellers + other Professionals.
Parent Held Education Record
The useful “Red Book” made by NATT+.